So, that was the gross part of the run- not sure how I got off on that tangent when I was supposed to be telling you about my great run-experience tonight... Oh well- anyway- I did have a great experience running, which was really surprising since my evening started out to be pretty crappy. I got the call that I did not get the job, which instantly plunged me into a spiral of emotion- part relief that I would not have to clean all the crap out of my classroom and try to find room in my house for all of it, and part frustration, because I have been trying unsuccessfully to get a job like this for the past year, and this was closest I'd been. I have to admit that there were a few tears shed and Corey did a little shoulder-patting (he is excellent at shoulder-patting and using the calm-reasonable tone to bring me back to earth when I need a reality check- thanks, hon!). So, in the past this type of disappointment would have sent me into paroxysms of eating. Like a serious binge of all my favorites plus a lot of other unnecessary crap thrown in for good measure. I have to admit that I had a vision of my favorite Chinese buffet pass before my eyes after I got off rejection call, but I also had a vision of me trying to run after eating at a buffet and barfing in a cornfield somewhere- not a good image, so no buffet.
Running clothes. These were so wet after tonight's run that we had to hang them up to dry like swimming suits. |
To understand my amazement at having a good running experience tonight, you have to take into account all the factors that should have added up against this: it was HOT, I was feeling crappy about the job thing, my calf was hurting, I was thirsty (10 oz. plus boob water was still not enough), Corey was his silent self (not entertaining at all to run with- sorry, hon), our five mile course is pretty hilly (like several big hills and some small ones as well), and mostly, we had to run five miles- I just wasn't in the mood. Anyway, about mile four, I started to feel really good, as though I had eaten a large piece of chocolate and let it melt slowly in my mouth so I could savor it. But there was no chocolate, so what was this??? It turns out that there is a state of being called "runner's high." Apparently, you body can only take so much pain and then it gives you a shot of endorphins so that whatever you're doing to it that is so unpleasant will seem less so. I felt light and bouncy instead of heavy and flat-footed. I felt strong and fast, as though I could keep running more than my allotted five miles. Wow!!! I felt FANTASTIC!
Unfortunately, it only took me four miles of a five mile run to experience the high, so for 80% of the run I felt like crap, but the last 20% I felt invincible. I understand now how people get hooked on running. The good feeling continued the rest of the evening after I got home and had dinner. Not a high, but a sense of well-being even though I did not get the job, so I credit running with being a mood-lifter. I wonder what that says about you if you are willing to slog through 80% pain to get 20% pleasure or just a general sense of well-being? Am I becoming a twisted soul? (Evil laugh here... Maybe I'll have to break out the chains and whips next- look out, Corey!)
Go Kathleen, Go! I LOVE the ice cube baggy idea! Never thought of that one, but I think I might seriously try it!